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History of the Galaxy

2090 The Energy Wars

By 2069 humanity had depleted its reserves of natural gas, and four years later oil was also gone. Coal was the next scarce resource while nuclear power plants raced to support the growing demand of ten billion people. Temperatures during the summer months averaged 113.5 degrees Fahrenheit while the rest of the year was fraught with intense storms, deadly rainfall, and flooding.


The receding ice sheets of Western Antarctica exposed new opportunities and land. Soon after, corporate-owned settlements sprung up and eventually turned into city-states with extraterritorial jurisdiction. Between the years 2080 and 2084, there was an explosion in new technologies, such as the first iteration of a neural interface, produced by Mindsync. A rudimentary version of artificial intelligence from the think tank at Gneiss Corp, and semi-autonomous robots manufactured by Wrolotix. These inventions, along with many others, vastly increased the quality of life and production capabilities of the world. Profits soared for the corporations, while everyone reaped the rewards of only 30-hour work weeks and more leisure activities.


Over time, income inequality increased to unmanageable levels, and more jobs were replaced by faster and more efficient machines. The economy collapsed in 2089 when unemployment reached 3.5 billion people, and only a year later, in 2090, 'The energy wars' started. This was a period of upheaval where countries scrambled to retain control of their rare resources.



When Russia invaded Kazakhstan for its coal reserves in 2093, paranoia of being invaded became a reality. Panic spread like wildfire, and everyone armed themselves. In 2094 Germany took decisive action and quickly consumed Poland and Ukraine, a brutal conflict that lasted for five years. Meanwhile, Australia and Indonesia engage in a deadly battle of attrition that decimates both sides. In the year 2097, China invaded India with a decisive aerial attack that killed millions.


The energy wars came to a head when all of North America and the remains of a fractured Europe banded together against the combined efforts of the Asia continent. For the next 17 years the world burned, and from the ashes of destruction came profits. The powerful corporations who had been supplying their respective country with weapons, and innovative war machines remained relativity unscathed.


When Natcoil Labs released their plans for a reliable hydrogen fusion reactor later manufactured by Suncore, the governmental power shifted. Having near-limitless energy at their fingertips allowed many powerful companies to topple their respective governments.

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